Книга: Crisis Counsel, скачать, купить и читать.
Автор книги из жанра PR, бюджетный кодекс РФ, корпоративная культура, работа с клиентами, успешные переговоры: Tony Jacques, Ph.D., Rothstein Publishing.
Идентификатор книги: 57409208.
Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Crisis Counsel.
Crisis Counsel: Navigating Legal and Communication Conflict, by Tony Jaques, Ph.D. is a new book by Rothstein Publishing.
This book is designed to provide hands-on, practical guidance for senior executives, lawyers and public relations professionals to navigate crises and to balance conflicting advice from lawyers and communication professionals while promoting open communication and protecting legal liability.
The book will help you to:
Balance reputation protection and legal obligation during a crisis.Know why and how to apologize without increasing liability.Weigh legal and communications advice when a crisis strikes.Learn from original research which lets lawyers and communicators speak in their own words.Draw practical everyday lessons from real-world examples of conflict between lawyers and communicators.Navigate the legal and communication challenges of dealing with the media in a crisis.Motivate lawyers and communicators to work better together.Identify and avoid crucial areas of potential conflict from selected crisis case studies.Understand the essential difference between corporate responsibility and legal liability.Make decisions and do the right thing to protect your organization.The book includes a wide variety of global case studies and examples while analyzing how legal and communications advice was managed and the impact on reputation. Crisis Counsel also includes interviews with four of the leading global experts on crisis management and the conclusions of a focused, unique global survey of senior lawyers.
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