Скачать книгу Building a 6 Figure Sales Career бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Chris Widener, Made For Success Publishing

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Автор книги из жанра отношения с клиентами, техника продаж: Chris Widener, Made For Success Publishing.

Идентификатор книги: 55728907.

Building a 6 Figure Sales Career  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Building a 6 Figure Sales Career.

Do you know a person who just seems to “have it all” when it comes to closing sales deals? What is it about that person that makes them wealthy? In this program, best-selling author Chris Widener outlines the tools to gain trust, build respect, develop admiration and create loyalty with everyone you meet.

Chris has used these skills to build a successful speaking career, which has led to him sharing the stage with US Presidents, NFL players and being asked to speak at Harvard Business School. The beauty of Chris’ approach is that anyone can develop these skills by following the 4 golden pillars of selling.

Chris shares amusing stories of success in this fast moving program which have motivated and inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Chris breaks down his process into 4 simple steps to get your sales career on the fast track. The information in Chris’ program can double your sales revenues, but will cost you income if you don’t know these essential steps.

Get your sales career on the right path this year.

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