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Скачать книгу Dynamic Binary Modification бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Kim Hazelwood, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Dynamic Binary Modification, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра легкая промышленность, нормативная документация, промышленность, технический анализ: Kim Hazelwood, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55703931.

книга Dynamic Binary Modification  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Dynamic Binary Modification.

Dynamic binary modification tools form a software layer between a running application and the underlying operating system, providing the powerful opportunity to inspect and potentially modify every user-level guest application instruction that executes. Toolkits built upon this technology have enabled computer architects to build powerful simulators and emulators for design-space exploration, compiler writers to analyze and debug the code generated by their compilers, software developers to fully explore the features, bottlenecks, and performance of their software, and even end-users to extend the functionality of proprietary software running on their computers. Several dynamic binary modification systems are freely available today that place this power into the hands of the end user. While these systems are quite complex internally, they mask that complexity with an easy-to-learn API that allows a typical user to ramp up fairly quickly and build any of a number of powerful tools. Meanwhile, these tools are robust enough to form the foundation for software products in use today.

This book serves as a primer for researchers interested in dynamic binary modification systems, their internal design structure, and the wide range of tools that can be built leveraging these systems. The hands-on examples presented throughout form a solid foundation for designing and constructing more complex tools, with an appreciation for the techniques necessary to make those tools robust and efficient. Meanwhile, the reader will get an appreciation for the internal design of the engines themselves.

Table of Contents: Dynamic Binary Modification: Overview / Using a Dynamic Binary Modifier / Program Analysis and Debugging / Active Program Modification / Architectural Exploration / Advanced System Internals / Historical Perspectives / Summary and Observations

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Processor Microarchitecture бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Antonio Gonzalez, Fernando Latorre, Grigorios Magklis, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Processor Microarchitecture, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра компьютерное железо, легкая промышленность, нормативная документация, промышленность, технический анализ: Antonio Gonzalez, Fernando Latorre, Grigorios Magklis, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55703919.

книга Processor Microarchitecture  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Processor Microarchitecture.

This lecture presents a study of the microarchitecture of contemporary microprocessors. The focus is on implementation aspects, with discussions on their implications in terms of performance, power, and cost of state-of-the-art designs. The lecture starts with an overview of the different types of microprocessors and a review of the microarchitecture of cache memories. Then, it describes the implementation of the fetch unit, where special emphasis is made on the required support for branch prediction. The next section is devoted to instruction decode with special focus on the particular support to decoding x86 instructions. The next chapter presents the allocation stage and pays special attention to the implementation of register renaming. Afterward, the issue stage is studied. Here, the logic to implement out-of-order issue for both memory and non-memory instructions is thoroughly described. The following chapter focuses on the instruction execution and describes the different functional units that can be found in contemporary microprocessors, as well as the implementation of the bypass network, which has an important impact on the performance. Finally, the lecture concludes with the commit stage, where it describes how the architectural state is updated and recovered in case of exceptions or misspeculations.

This lecture is intended for an advanced course on computer architecture, suitable for graduate students or senior undergrads who want to specialize in the area of computer architecture. It is also intended for practitioners in the industry in the area of microprocessor design. The book assumes that the reader is familiar with the main concepts regarding pipelining, out-of-order execution, cache memories, and virtual memory.

Table of Contents: Introduction / Caches / The Instruction Fetch Unit / Decode / Allocation / The Issue Stage / Execute / The Commit Stage / References / Author Biographies

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу The Memory System бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Bruce Jacob, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: The Memory System, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра базы данных, легкая промышленность, нормативная документация, промышленность, технический анализ: Bruce Jacob, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55703411.

книга The Memory System  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: The Memory System.

Today, computer-system optimization, at both the hardware and software levels, must consider the details of the memory system in its analysis; failing to do so yields systems that are increasingly inefficient as those systems become more complex. This lecture seeks to introduce the reader to the most important details of the memory system; it targets both computer scientists and computer engineers in industry and in academia. Roughly speaking, computer scientists are the users of the memory system and computer engineers are the designers of the memory system. Both can benefit tremendously from a basic understanding of how the memory system really works: the computer scientist will be better equipped to create algorithms that perform well and the computer engineer will be better equipped to design systems that approach the optimal, given the resource limitations. Currently, there is consensus among architecture researchers that the memory system is «the bottleneck,» and this consensus has held for over a decade. Somewhat inexplicably, most of the research in the field is still directed toward improving the CPU to better tolerate a slow memory system, as opposed to addressing the weaknesses of the memory system directly. This lecture should get the bulk of the computer science and computer engineering population up the steep part of the learning curve. Not every CS/CE researcher/developer needs to do work in the memory system, but, just as a carpenter can do his job more efficiently if he knows a little of architecture, and an architect can do his job more efficiently if he knows a little of carpentry, giving the CS/CE worlds better intuition about the memory system should help them build better systems, both software and hardware.

Table of Contents: Primers / It Must Be Modeled Accurately / … and It Will Change Soon

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Margaret Martonosi, Stefanos Kaxiras, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра легкая промышленность, нормативная документация, промышленность, технический анализ: Margaret Martonosi, Stefanos Kaxiras, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55703299.

книга Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency.

In the last few years, power dissipation has become an important design constraint, on par with performance, in the design of new computer systems. Whereas in the past, the primary job of the computer architect was to translate improvements in operating frequency and transistor count into performance, now power efficiency must be taken into account at every step of the design process.

While for some time, architects have been successful in delivering 40% to 50% annual improvement in processor performance, costs that were previously brushed aside eventually caught up. The most critical of these costs is the inexorable increase in power dissipation and power density in processors. Power dissipation issues have catalyzed new topic areas in computer architecture, resulting in a substantial body of work on more power-efficient architectures. Power dissipation coupled with diminishing performance gains, was also the main cause for the switch from single-core to multi-core architectures and a slowdown in frequency increase.

This book aims to document some of the most important architectural techniques that were invented, proposed, and applied to reduce both dynamic power and static power dissipation in processors and memory hierarchies. A significant number of techniques have been proposed for a wide range of situations and this book synthesizes those techniques by focusing on their common characteristics.

Table of Contents: Introduction / Modeling, Simulation, and Measurement / Using Voltage and Frequency Adjustments to Manage Dynamic Power / Optimizing Capacitance and Switching Activity to Reduce Dynamic Power / Managing Static (Leakage) Power / Conclusions

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Phase Change Memory бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Moinuddin K. Qureshi, Sudhanva Gurumurthi, Bipin Rajendran, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Phase Change Memory, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра базы данных, легкая промышленность, нормативная документация, промышленность, технический анализ: Moinuddin K. Qureshi, Sudhanva Gurumurthi, Bipin Rajendran, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55704411.

книга Phase Change Memory  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Phase Change Memory.

As conventional memory technologies such as DRAM and Flash run into scaling challenges, architects and system designers are forced to look at alternative technologies for building future computer systems. This synthesis lecture begins by listing the requirements for a next generation memory technology and briefly surveys the landscape of novel non-volatile memories. Among these, Phase Change Memory (PCM) is emerging as a leading contender, and the authors discuss the material, device, and circuit advances underlying this exciting technology. The lecture then describes architectural solutions to enable PCM for main memories. Finally, the authors explore the impact of such byte-addressable non-volatile memories on future storage and system designs.

Table of Contents: Next Generation Memory Technologies / Architecting PCM for Main Memories / Tolerating Slow Writes in PCM / Wear Leveling for Durability / Wear Leveling Under Adversarial Settings / Error Resilience in Phase Change Memories / Storage and System Design With Emerging Non-Volatile Memories

Книги о техническом анализе.

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