Скачать книгу Speaking is Selling бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Mark A. Vickers, Made For Success Publishing

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Автор книги из жанра product placement, техника продаж: Mark A. Vickers, Made For Success Publishing.

Идентификатор книги: 55728719.

книга Speaking is Selling  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Speaking is Selling.

You are a Speaker and you are a Salesperson. Regardless of your title: Corporate Executive, Sales and Marketing Professional, Salesperson, Teacher, Trainer, or Coach, your success in connecting with your words and selling your ideas and products will determine Your Career Success.

Professional Speaker and Certified Professional Coach, Mark A. Vickers, shares key tips and techniques for success in Speaking and Selling. Each technique that Mark covers is a lesson that your mother taught you by the time you were 16.

There is no magic to becoming an effective speaker or salesperson just two basic requirements: understand the key fundamentals AND apply them every day.

Through simple truths that your mother shared with you, Mark takes a lighthearted but direct look at the issues facing most professionals when they are making presentations and provides simple steps to improve your skills.

Speaking is Selling – 51 Tips Your Mother Taught you is full of reminders and techniques to help you maximize your professional success.

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