Скачать книгу Enhancing Financial Disclosure Standards in Transitional Economies II бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Radhakrishna Narasimham, Asian Development Bank

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Автор книги из жанра учебная литература, финансовые инструменты: Radhakrishna Narasimham, Asian Development Bank.

Идентификатор книги: 57374922.

книга Enhancing Financial Disclosure Standards in Transitional Economies II  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Enhancing Financial Disclosure Standards in Transitional Economies II.

Public and private investors want timely, accurate financial information about institutions before investing. This requires adherence to internationally accepted financial disclosure standards. However, implementing these standards is a particular challenge for economies in transition from the Soviet-era central planning approach toward a market economy. The Asian Development Bank provided a technical assistance grant (TA 6505- REG) to build capacity to enhance financial disclosure standards in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The book is a compendium of the project's findings, activities, results, and recommendations. It discusses the rationale for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards and the enforcement of International Standards on Auditing by legal entities, and explores their use by small and medium-sized enterprises in the three countries. The book is a valuable guide to accountants, auditors, financial institutions, regulators, investors, governments, researchers, and others interested in financial disclosure practices and progress of these transitional nations.

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