Скачать книгу Your Money, Your Choice бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Brett Kelly, Clown Publishing

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Автор книги из жанра личные финансы, финансовые инструменты: Brett Kelly, Clown Publishing.

Идентификатор книги: 57303437.

книга Your Money, Your Choice  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Your Money, Your Choice.

Do you have a great accountant? Someone who cares about you and is proactive in assisting you to achieve your goals?<br /><br />

As fascinating and all-absorbing as accounting or accountants may be (NOT!), choosing an astute advisor in this area can make a Million Dollar difference to your life.<br /><br />

Therein lies the reason for this short book. This book is NOT a &quot;HOW TO&quot; book – it is a &quot;MUST DO NOW&quot; book: 20 simple things you need to make sure your accountant has addressed with you. This book outlines a timeless approach to getting your financial universe sorted out and keeping it that way.<br /><br />

Now, if your accountant hasn’t helped you take control of your financial universe, start now and get him moving – or perhaps you had better get moving to a new accountant! Time is limited, death is certain – so the book is short, to the point and easy to implement. The money is in the doing.

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