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Книга: Financial Management Terminology (Speedy Study Guide), скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра финансовые инструменты: Speedy Publishing, Speedy Publishing LLC.

Идентификатор книги: 56407122.

книга Financial Management Terminology (Speedy Study Guide)  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Financial Management Terminology (Speedy Study Guide).

Learning financial management terminology is the only way anyone in the business industry is going to take you seriously. The real world and the business world are seperated by one thing, knowledge. In order to succeed in business management, learning all the correct references even before you start your course by studying the study guide will ensure you excel in your studies throughout the course, and apply a lot more knowledge towards your course than a student would who didn't bother going through the study guide. Learning the terminology will save the teacher the trouble of teaching you the language, and then begin to teach you where to use such lingo.

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