Скачать книгу Coloring Outside the Lines бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Jeff Tobe, Made For Success Publishing

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Автор книги из жанра product placement, управление продажами: Jeff Tobe, Made For Success Publishing.

Идентификатор книги: 55729091.

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The only thing that differentiates your service or your product from any others is your creativity and innovative thinking. This eBook from the crayon of Creativity Guru Jeff Tobe is an unusually charming collection of warm, funny and instructive business tales. It provides numerous examples of street-smart sales tactics, exemplary customer service and outside-the-lines marketing. The eBook encourages anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit by providing story after story of creative ideas and inspiration. In Coloring Outside the Lines: Business Thoughts on Creativity, Marketing and Sales, Jeff Tobe shows that when you compete head-on in business you are just agreeing to play by the same old rules.

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