Книга: Roar! Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle. A Business Fable, скачать, купить и читать
Автор книги из жанра зарубежная деловая литература, классический маркетинг, управление маркетингом: Kevin Daum, Daniel Turner A.
Идентификатор книги: 28297689
Краткое содержание книги: Roar! Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle. A Business Fable
Don't just get your message out. ROAR it out! In this captivating parable, you'll follow Ryan Miller, an executive struggling with reduced sales in a challenging economy. Ryan is mentored by his old Livingston, New Jersey high school friend, Lenny Bernstein, now a Hasidic Jew in Brooklyn having great success in his packaging business. Over a series of lunches around New York City, Lenny shares the key insights that have driven his sales through the roof, while allowing him to run his business efficiently-and still have plenty of time for family. Lenny explains the simple mnemonic R-O-A-R Recognize the four types of buyers Observe from the buyer's perspective, and adapt your message Acknowledge the buyer's special wants and needs Resolve the buyer's issues Praised by renowned money manager Ken Fisher, Roar! gives you a 3,500-year-old sales secret that has never before been articulated in a business context, one you can use to recharge your sales operation and revitalize both your business and your life. It may be a jungle out there, but it's a little less scary once you know how to ROAR!
- Цена книги: 1743.39 руб.
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