Скачать книгу Marketing For Dummies бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Gregory Brooks, Ruth Mortimer, Craig Smith, Alexander Hiam

Книга: Marketing For Dummies, скачать, купить и читать

Автор книги из жанра зарубежная деловая литература, классический маркетинг, управление маркетингом: Gregory Brooks, Ruth Mortimer, Craig Smith, Alexander Hiam

Идентификатор книги: 28316940

Marketing For Dummies  Краткое содержание книги: Marketing For Dummies

Marketing is one of the most important aspects in business today, but it’s also highly competitive and complicated, with intricate strategies and methods of delivery to understand and retain. This straight-forward guide leads you through every aspect of marketing. Fully updated to include all the recent marketing trends, including digital marketing and using new media, it’s packed with expert tips on identifying customers, using online resources, satisfying your customer’s needs and boosting your sales. Discover how to: Understand the basics of effective marketing Research customers, competitors and industry Create a compelling marketing strategy Increase consumer awareness Satisfy clients’ needs and boost sales

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