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Автор книги из жанра product placement, техника продаж, управление продажами: Tom Hopkins, Made For Success Publishing.

Идентификатор книги: 55729211.

книга 16 Power Closes  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: 16 Power Closes.

ATTENTION SALES REPS: What's that beautiful sound you hear? Is it the babbling of a clear, cold brook? Is it the laughter of an innocent child? Is it the tender refrain of a meadowlark? No!

It's the sweet sound of «YES» – the sweetest sound in Sales!

Learn how to smoothly create an abundance of closing opportunities and get more Yesses than ever before. The hallmark of every master closer is knowing several ways to close deals. Now you can know just when to act, when to hold back, and exactly when to close. Learning this one simple approach means you'll be able to close more sales in less time – with happier customers every time!

But where do you start?

No one knows the answer to that question better than the legendary Tom Hopkins, who earned more than one million dollars in commissions during the first three years of his Sales career. Over the course of the past 25+ years, he's been teaching others to do the same.

16 Power Closes: How to Hear More of the Sweet Sound of «YES» will show you in crystal-clear detail the exact steps you need to take in every sale. You'll learn not just How but Why, plus how to close with integrity and pride. Discover 16 ways to take any prospect through each step methodically, and get to that sweetest of sounds, the word «YES».

In this timely book, Tom reveals all there is to know about:

Getting over the Objection ConnectionWhat to do before closing for more sweet success16 Power Closes for Sales champions – and those who want to be!Now you can turn any objection into a closing opportunity. Use the winning tactics in this book, and never again fear hearing the word «No» from your prospects. You'll know for all time how to hear more of that sweet sound of «YES».

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Узнаем все о Продакт-плейсменте из книг.

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