Книга: The Speaker’s Edge, скачать, купить и читать.
Автор книги из жанра product placement, консалтинг, поиск работы / карьера, языкознание: Ken Lizotte, Maven House.
Идентификатор книги: 51714463.
Краткое содержание бизнес книги: The Speaker’s Edge.
Speakers for business and nonprofit events are sought out every day by meeting planners and program directors. Those who get the call are typically those who fill a specific need and can boast appropriate credentials and experience. The Speaker's Edge shows you how to land these speaking engagements, especially ones that pay.This comprehensive book covers all the conventional means for locating and winning speaking engagements as well as clever, innovative tactics practiced by the most successful veteran speakers. You'll learn how to: Position yourself as the go-to thought leader in your field of expertise; Use effective tools to highlight your speaker value, including videos, speaker sheets, and speaker bureaus; Consider a variety of speaking opportunities, such as serving on panels, hosting events, and participating in webinars; Locate attractive speaking venues, and successfully use the proposal systems such venues require; Consider what volunteering for pro bono gigs offer as venues for practice and visibility; Negotiate great deals, including setting fees, requesting expenses, and offering options to meeting planners; Maximize your speaking experience, including selling products, arranging follow-up gigs, and soliciting referrals.By employing the recommendations in this book, you will elevate your speaking career and and business to new heights.
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