Книга: The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality. Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice, скачать, купить и читать.
Автор книги из жанра зарубежная деловая литература, клиентский сервис, работа с клиентами: Jack Corgel B., Michael Sturman C., Rohit Verma.
Идентификатор книги: 28300551.
Краткое содержание бизнес книги: The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality. Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice.
This cutting edge and comprehensive book—with contributions from the star faculty of Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration—offers the latest thinking on the best practices and strategies for hospitality management. A must for students and professionals seeking to enter or expand their reach in the hospitality industry, The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality delivers the authoritative advice you need to: Develop and manage a multinational career and become a leader in the hospitality industry Maximize profits from franchise agreements, management contracts, and leases Understand and predict customer choices, and motivate your staff to provide outstanding service Manage hospitality businesses and the real estate underlying the businesses Control costs, coordinate branding strategy, and manage operations across multiple locations
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