Рубрика: Книги о техническом анализе

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Скачать книгу Search Analytics for Your Site бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Louis Rosenfeld, Rosenfeld Media

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Автор книги из жанра технический анализ: Louis Rosenfeld, Rosenfeld Media.

Идентификатор книги: 55083293.

книга Search Analytics for Your Site  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Search Analytics for Your Site.

Any organization that has a searchable web site or intranet is sitting on top of hugely valuable and usually under-exploited data: logs that capture what users are searching for, how often each query was searched, and how many results each query retrieved. Search queries are gold: they are real data that show us exactly what users are searching for in their own words. This book shows you how to use search analytics to carry on a conversation with your customers: listen to and understand their needs, and improve your content, navigation and search performance to meet those needs.

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Experience-Centered Design бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Peter Wright, John McCarthy, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Experience-Centered Design, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра программирование, программы, технический анализ: Peter Wright, John McCarthy, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55704143.

книга Experience-Centered Design  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Experience-Centered Design.

Experience-centered design, experience-based design, experience design, designing for experience, user experience design. All of these terms have emerged and gained acceptance in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Interaction Design relatively recently. In this book, we set out our understanding of experience-centered design as a humanistic approach to designing digital technologies and media that enhance lived experience. The book is divided into three sections. In Section 1, we outline the historical origins and basic concepts that led into and flow out from our understanding of experience as the heart of people's interactions with digital technology. In Section 2, we describe three examples of experience-centered projects and use them to illustrate and explain our dialogical approach. In Section 3, we recapitulate some of the main ideas and themes of the book and discuss the potential of experience-centered design to continue the humanist agenda by giving a voice to those who might otherwise be excluded from design and by creating opportunities for people to enrich their lived experience with and through technology.

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Experience Design бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Marc Hassenzahl, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Experience Design, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра легкая промышленность, программирование, программы, промышленность, технический анализ: Marc Hassenzahl, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55704139.

книга Experience Design  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Experience Design.

In his book «In the blink of an eye» Walter Murch, the Oscar-awarded editor of The English Patient, Apocalypse Now, and many other outstanding movies, devises the Rule of Six – six criteria for what makes a good cut. On top of his list is «to be true to the emotion of the moment,» a quality more important than advancing the story or being rhythmically interesting. The cut has to deliver a meaningful, compelling, and emotion-rich «experience» to the audience. Because, «what they finally remember is not the editing, not the camerawork, not the performances, not even the story–it's how they felt.» Technology for all the right reasons applies this insight to the design of interactive products and technologies – the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, Usability Engineering, and Interaction Design. It takes an experiential approach, putting experience before functionality and leaving behind oversimplified calls for ease, efficiency, and automation or shallow beautification. Instead, it explores what really matters to humans and what it needs to make technology more meaningful.

The book clarifies what experience is, and highlights five crucial aspects and their implications for the design of interactive products. It provides reasons why we should bother with an experiential approach, and presents a detailed working model of experience useful for practitioners and academics alike. It closes with the particular challenges of an experiential approach for design. The book presents its view as a comprehensive, yet entertaining blend of scientific findings, design examples, and personal anecdotes.

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Купить, скачать и прочитать литературу и узнать новое в книге Experience Design про техническому анализу на бирже и мировых рынках.
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Скачать книгу Constructing Knowledge Art бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Simon Buckingham Shum, Al Selvin, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Constructing Knowledge Art, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра программирование, программы, технический анализ: Simon Buckingham Shum, Al Selvin, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55706391.

книга Constructing Knowledge Art  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Constructing Knowledge Art.

This book is about how people (we refer to them as practitioners) can help guide participants in creating representations of issues or ideas, such as collaborative diagrams, especially in the context of Participatory Design (PD). At its best, such representations can reach a very high level of expressiveness and usefulness, an ideal we refer to as Knowledge Art. Achieving that level requires effective engagement, often aided by facilitators or other practitioners. Most PD research focuses on tools and methods, or on participant experience. The next source of advantage is to better illuminate the role of practitioners-the people working with participants, tools, and methods in service of a project’s larger goals. Just like participants, practitioners experience challenges, interactions, and setbacks, and come up with creative ways to address them while maintaining their stance of service to participants and stakeholders. Our research interest is in understanding what moves and choices practitioners make that either help or hinder participants’ engagement with representations. We present a theoretical framework that looks at these choices from the experiential perspectives of narrative, aesthetics, ethics, sensemaking and improvisation and apply it to five diverse case studies of actual practice.

Table of Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / Participatory Design and Representational Practice / Dimensions of Knowledge Art / Case Studies / Discussion and Conclusions / Appendix: Knowledge Art Analytics / Bibliography / Author Biographies

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Купить, скачать и прочитать литературу и узнать новое в книге Constructing Knowledge Art про техническому анализу на бирже и мировых рынках.
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Скачать книгу Hardware Malware бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Heidelinde Hobel, Adrian Dabrowski, Edgar Weippl, Christian Krieg, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Hardware Malware, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра зарубежная компьютерная литература, книги о компьютерах, программирование, программы, технический анализ: Heidelinde Hobel, Adrian Dabrowski, Edgar Weippl, Christian Krieg, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55706351.

книга Hardware Malware  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Hardware Malware.

In our digital world, integrated circuits are present in nearly every moment of our daily life. Even when using the coffee machine in the morning, or driving our car to work, we interact with integrated circuits. The increasing spread of information technology in virtually all areas of life in the industrialized world offers a broad range of attack vectors. So far, mainly software-based attacks have been considered and investigated, while hardware-based attacks have attracted comparatively little interest. The design and production process of integrated circuits is mostly decentralized due to financial and logistical reasons. Therefore, a high level of trust has to be established between the parties involved in the hardware development lifecycle. During the complex production chain, malicious attackers can insert non-specified functionality by exploiting untrusted processes and backdoors. This work deals with the ways in which such hidden, non-specified functionality can be introduced into hardware systems. After briefly outlining the development and production process of hardware systems, we systematically describe a new type of threat, the hardware Trojan. We provide a historical overview of the development of research activities in this field to show the growing interest of international research in this topic. Current work is considered in more detail. We discuss the components that make up a hardware Trojan as well as the parameters that are relevant for an attack. Furthermore, we describe current approaches for detecting, localizing, and avoiding hardware Trojans to combat them effectively. Moreover, this work develops a comprehensive taxonomy of countermeasures and explains in detail how specific problems are solved. In a final step, we provide an overview of related work and offer an outlook on further research in this field.

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Mobile Interactions in Context бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Jesper Kjeldskov, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Mobile Interactions in Context, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра программирование, программы, технический анализ: Jesper Kjeldskov, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55706259.

книга Mobile Interactions in Context  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Mobile Interactions in Context.

This book presents a contextual approach to designing contemporary interactive mobile computer systems as integral parts of ubiquitous computing environments. Interactive mobile systems, services, and devices have become functional design objects that we care deeply about. Although their look, feel, and features impact our everyday lives as we orchestrate them in concert with a plethora of other computing technologies, these artifacts are not well understood or created through traditional methods of user-centered design and usability engineering. Contrary to more traditional IT artifacts, they constitute holistic user experiences of value and pleasure that require careful attention to the variety, complexity, and dynamics of their usage. Hence, the design of mobile interactions proposed in this book transcends existing approaches by using the ensemble of form and context as its central unit of analysis. As such, it promotes a designerly way of achieving convergence between form and context through a contextually grounded, wholeness sensitive, and continually unfolding process of design.

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Translating Euclid бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Gerry Stahl, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Translating Euclid, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра зарубежная компьютерная литература, книги о компьютерах, программирование, программы, технический анализ: Gerry Stahl, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55705927.

книга Translating Euclid  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Translating Euclid.

Translating Euclid reports on an effort to transform geometry for students from a stylus-and-clay-tablet corpus of historical theorems to a stimulating computer-supported collaborative-learning inquiry experience.

The origin of geometry was a turning point in the pre-history of informatics, literacy, and rational thought. Yet, this triumph of human intellect became ossified through historic layers of systematization, beginning with Euclid’s organization of the Elements of geometry. Often taught by memorization of procedures, theorems, and proofs, geometry in schooling rarely conveys its underlying intellectual excitement. The recent development of dynamic-geometry software offers an opportunity to translate the study of geometry into a contemporary vernacular. However, this involves transformations along multiple dimensions of the conceptual and practical context of learning.

Translating Euclid steps through the multiple challenges involved in redesigning geometry education to take advantage of computer support. Networked computers portend an interactive approach to exploring dynamic geometry as well as broadened prospects for collaboration. The proposed conception of geometry emphasizes the central role of the construction of dependencies as a design activity, integrating human creation and mathematical discovery to form a human-centered approach to mathematics.

This book chronicles an iterative effort to adapt technology, theory, pedagogy and practice to support this vision of collaborative dynamic geometry and to evolve the approach through on-going cycles of trial with students and refinement of resources. It thereby provides a case study of a design-based research effort in computer-supported collaborative learning from a human-centered informatics perspective.

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Surface Computing and Collaborative Analysis Work бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Stevenson Gossage, Chris Hack, Jeff Wilson, Judith Brown, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Surface Computing and Collaborative Analysis Work, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра зарубежная компьютерная литература, книги о компьютерах, программирование, программы, технический анализ: Stevenson Gossage, Chris Hack, Jeff Wilson, Judith Brown, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55705715.

книга Surface Computing and Collaborative Analysis Work  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Surface Computing and Collaborative Analysis Work.

Large surface computing devices (wall-mounted or tabletop) with touch interfaces and their application to collaborative data analysis, an increasingly important and prevalent activity, is the primary topic of this book. Our goals are to outline the fundamentals of surface computing (a still maturing technology), review relevant work on collaborative data analysis, describe frameworks for understanding collaborative processes, and provide a better understanding of the opportunities for research and development. We describe surfaces as display technologies with which people can interact directly, and emphasize how interaction design changes when designing for large surfaces. We review efforts to use large displays, surfaces or mixed display environments to enable collaborative analytic activity. Collaborative analysis is important in many domains, but to provide concrete examples and a specific focus, we frequently consider analysis work in the security domain, and in particular the challenges security personnel face in securing networks from attackers, and intelligence analysts encounter when analyzing intelligence data. Both of these activities are becoming increasingly collaborative endeavors, and there are huge opportunities for improving collaboration by leveraging surface computing. This work highlights for interaction designers and software developers the particular challenges and opportunities presented by interaction with surfaces. We have reviewed hundreds of recent research papers, and report on advancements in the fields of surface-enabled collaborative analytic work, interactive techniques for surface technologies, and useful theory that can provide direction to interaction design work. We also offer insight into issues that arise when developing applications for multi-touch surfaces derived from our own experiences creating collaborative applications. We present these insights at a level appropriate for all members of the software design and development team.

Table of Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgments / Figure Credits / Purpose and Direction / Surface Technologies and Collaborative Analysis Systems / Interacting with Surface Technologies / Collaborative Work Enabled by Surfaces / The Theory and the Design of Surface Applications / The Development of Surface Applications / Concluding Comments / Bibliography / Authors' Biographies

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу How We Cope with Digital Technology бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Phil Turner, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: How We Cope with Digital Technology, скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра зарубежная компьютерная литература, книги о компьютерах, программирование, программы, технический анализ: Phil Turner, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55705651.

книга How We Cope with Digital Technology  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: How We Cope with Digital Technology.

Digital technology has become a defining characteristic of modern life. Almost everyone uses it, we all rely on it, and many of us own a multitude of devices. What is more, we all expect to be able to use these technologies «straight out the box.» This lecture discusses how we are able to do this without apparent problems.

We are able to use digital technology because we have learned to cope with it. «To cope» is used in philosophy to mean «absorbed engagement,» that is, we use our smart phones and tablet computers with little or no conscious effort. In human-computer interaction this kind of use is more often described as intuitive. While this, of course, is testament to improved design, our interest in this lecture is in the human side of these interactions. We cope with technology because we are familiar with it.

We define familiarity as the readiness to engage with technology which arises from being repeatedly exposed to it—often from birth. This exposure involves the frequent use of it and seeing people all around us using it every day. Digital technology has become as common a feature of our everyday lives as the motor car, TV, credit card, cutlery, or a dozen other things which we also use without conscious deliberation. We will argue that we cope with digital technology in the same way as we do these other technologies by means of this everyday familiarity. But this is only half of the story. We also regularly support or scaffold our use of technology. These scaffolding activities are described as «epistemic actions» which we adopt to make it easier for us to accomplish our goals. With digital technology these epistemic actions include appropriating it to more closer meet our needs.

In summary, coping is a situated, embodied, and distributed description of how we use digital technology.

Table of Contents: Introduction / Familiarity / Coping / Epistemic Scaffolding / Coping in Context / Bibliography / Author Biography

Книги о техническом анализе.

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Скачать книгу Performance Analysis and Tuning for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) бесплатно, читать книги онлайн Jee Choi, Hyesoon Kim, Richard Vuduc, Sara Baghsorkhi, Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Книга: Performance Analysis and Tuning for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU), скачать, купить и читать.

Автор книги из жанра программирование, программы, технический анализ: Jee Choi, Hyesoon Kim, Richard Vuduc, Sara Baghsorkhi, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Идентификатор книги: 55705603.

книга Performance Analysis and Tuning for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU)  Краткое содержание бизнес книги: Performance Analysis and Tuning for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU).

General-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPU) have emerged as an important class of shared memory parallel processing architectures, with widespread deployment in every computer class from high-end supercomputers to embedded mobile platforms. Relative to more traditional multicore systems of today, GPGPUs have distinctly higher degrees of hardware multithreading (hundreds of hardware thread contexts vs. tens), a return to wide vector units (several tens vs. 1-10), memory architectures that deliver higher peak memory bandwidth (hundreds of gigabytes per second vs. tens), and smaller caches/scratchpad memories (less than 1 megabyte vs. 1-10 megabytes).

In this book, we provide a high-level overview of current GPGPU architectures and programming models. We review the principles that are used in previous shared memory parallel platforms, focusing on recent results in both the theory and practice of parallel algorithms, and suggest a connection to GPGPU platforms. We aim to provide hints to architects about understanding algorithm aspect to GPGPU. We also provide detailed performance analysis and guide optimizations from high-level algorithms to low-level instruction level optimizations. As a case study, we use n-body particle simulations known as the fast multipole method (FMM) as an example. We also briefly survey the state-of-the-art in GPU performance analysis tools and techniques.

Table of Contents: GPU Design, Programming, and Trends / Performance Principles / From Principles to Practice: Analysis and Tuning / Using Detailed Performance Analysis to Guide Optimization

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